Is that a good news or a bad news? up to you. But even though you don't like him he still had taught you/us something. For some people thankful to En. Saharudin, you can still support him even though he already moved. My personal suggestion is clicking on the ads(advertisements) in his site ( I don't know if that site still going to be JTMK PoliKU site after he left hermm...
It's very nice of him to create specially for JTMK PKS students. Because yoohaa support/powered by joomla is not a free web hosting service. He didn't brag about it, because most lecturer doesn't even know there's a JTMK PKS site. There's no other lecturer involve/registered to it. Either he(MSA@En.Saharudin) don't let any other lecturer to join or other lecturer don't even bother.
Or we can just wish to god to bless his family a good life.